STOP: 0x0000006B - Process1_Initialization_Failed when running Windows : HARD DISK
STOP: 0x0000006B - Process1_Initialization_Failed when running Windows
STOP: 0x0000006b (0xC0000102, 0x00000002, 0x0000000, 0x00000000) 0x6B
If this occurs again, make sure that any new hardware or software is properly installed. On a new installation, check the vendor for updates.
You should disable any new hardware or software to see if these are the source of the problem.
NOTE: You may have to press F8 to start in Safe mode.
Disable any BIOS memory options like caching or shadowing.
NOTE: If you are using Roxio GoBack or GoBack from Norton SystemWorks, disable Goback.
NOTE: Disabling GoBack causes all historical GoBack-related information to be removed.
This behavior can occur if there is software installed on the computer that is incompatible with Windows XP.
To work around this issue, use one of the following methods.Disable GoBack when Windows XP Setup Restarts Your Computer
To disable GoBack when Windows XP Setup restarts your computer:1. | Press SPACEBAR to view the GoBack boot menu. |
2. | Press D (to disable goBack), press Y (yes, to confirm), and then press ENTER twice. | In this case the trouble was the HARD DISK. WD120GB